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Live the life you envision.

Hi! I'm Maria Elena Laufs.

I’m a Success Principles trainer and university lecturer. I’ve also been a fashion buyer, retail executive, teacher and housewife. These very different roles have all provided me with the opportunity to do the one thing I love to do — to make people feel good about themselves. That is what I want to do for you.

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My aim is for everyone to feel
motivated, confident and capable.

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Where I Come From

I was born and bred in the UK and spent the first 16 years of my professional life working in the exciting world of fashion retail and buying. I’ve always loved clothes and still do. Meeting the love of my life at the age of 38 both changed the trajectory of my life and introduced me to the world of personal development. Within a year, I went from jet-setting around the world negotiating prices and selecting best-selling colours, to living in a small German town as a stay-at-home housewife with three stepchildren who couldn’t speak English.

As I was about to embark upon my new life, a friend of mine gave me a copy of “The Secret” and this was the key that opened my eyes to the individual power we have over our lives and what we experience. Shortly afterwards, Jack Canfield’s Success Principles™ provided me with the toolkit to create my lifestyle and propelled me into taking intentional action. A subsequent move to Hong Kong followed by a return to Germany provided me with ideal opportunities to really put The Success Principles™ into practice and consciously recreate my life each time.

I’m a strong believer in a lifelong education. In addition to being a Canfield Certified Trainer, I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Studies, a Post-Graduate Diploma in Spanish and a Trinity Cert TESOL in teaching English. My latest educational adventure is a course in Positive Psychology.

Who I Am Today

I live in Germany and Spain with my American husband, who works in the retail fashion industry and helps keep one of my feet in the clothing world. My three sons are all out forging their own successes in a variety of countries. I have two occupations that I love: working as a lecturer at two local universities, and delivering motivational workshops based on The Success Principles. When not training or lecturing, you will find me practicing yoga poses, surfing clothing websites keeping abreast of the latest trends, or with my nose in a personal development book.

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